Friday, November 7, 2008

Tiva Fan Fiction part 2~ Gibbs' niece

When I awoke I almost forgot where I was. Then I remembered a hospital. The explosion. Tony..... Tony. It hurt just to think about him. I bit back tears that clung to my eyes.
"Oh you're awake now. That's good" I looked up to see a doctor standing in the doorway.
"You're ready to be discharged" he finished
I was very excited. I couldn't wait to get out of here and see the others. I couldn't allow my self to even think his name.
"Okay you're ready to go, I'll leave so you can get dressed and then you can go up to the front desk and to fill out the discharge papers" It was just that stupid doctor talking again. After he left I pulled the curtain shut and changed into clothes that someone, Gibbs I assume at gotten from my apartment. When I was done dressing I went up to the front desk so I can fill out their stupid papers.
I was just finishing them up when Gibbs came up and said "Ziva I heard you were awake now"
"Yes, thankfully I'm ready to be discharged" I handed the papers back to the lady at the desk.
"Can I see Tony now?" I asked
"Ziva, I'm not sure you want to right now" Gibbs said
"Yes I do" I wasn't yelling exactly
"Okay suit yourself, but I warned you" Gibbs said in a slightly sad voice.
I walked in the direction in which Gibbs had pointed me. Nothing prepared me to the sight I saw when I got there though. Tony was lying in the bed, he had severe second- third degree burns all over his body.
Tony and I were lying in his bed. My head was on his chest and he was stroking my hair. When he began to sing softly
"I feel safe, I feel warm when you're here
Then I do no wrong I am cured, when I'm by your side
I'm alright, alright
I am safe, when I am with you
And I feel warm, If you want me to
I am cured, when I'm by your side
I'm alright Careful where you stand,My love Careful where you lay your head
It's true we're always looking out for one another
I feel safe, when I am with you
I feel warm, when you want me too
I am cured when you are around
I'm alright Careful where you stand, My love Careful where you lay your head
It's true we're always looking out for one another
So I like a quiet time please
Yeah, I like a quiet time
Careful where you stand Now, careful where you stand."
"That was beautiful" I whispered back to him
"I try to do what I can" was all he whispered back.
"Tony, Tony, Tony" I was sobbing his name over and over. I was crying so hard that I didn't notice Gibbs standing in the doorway.
"Ziva" Gibbs said. It was barely a whisper.
Next thing I knew he was holding me in his arms and I was sobbing into his shoulder.
"Ziva, Ziva it will be okay" he said soothingly
"You don't know that." I said more harshly then I intended because it reminded me of something Tony had said to me just a few weeks ago.
It was the morning after our wonderful night. When a sudden realization reached me.
"Oh crap" was all I could manage
Tony was just waking up when he heard that.
"Oh crap what?" he asked
"Well I just remembered something."
"My father wouldn't approve of me seeing you."
"That's why he doesn't have to know"
"He will know though. Have you forgotten how he's had people keep tabs on me?"
"Oh no I forgot" he said then added "Ziva it's going to be okay" For I had started to cry, not sob just a few tears streaming down my face.
"What's the worst that could happen?" Tony asked
"The worst well umm he could make me go back to Israel to prevent me from seeing you."
"Then I would go to Israel and bring you back myself." He pulled me closer to him.
"Really?" I asked with a small sob.
"Yes I love you Ziva I wouldn't let a small thing like your father stand between us" He then pulled me close to him and we kissed and it was the most amazing one of all.
I was hanging around the cafeteria at the hospital, eating the crappy food. I tried to get Ziva to come with me, but she downright refused to leave Tony's side, I don't know why she was being so hard on herself. I told her that if there was any change in Tony's condition I or someone else would get her. What I need was a miracle, I need a miracle to get her out of her depression.
"Uncle!!!!!" a voice called out. I spun around for it was late at night and I was the only one in here. A girl with curly, long, golden hair and light blue eyes was standing there.
"Casey" I called out for this was my 16 year old niece who had been planning to come visit, but with the explosion and all, well I forgot about her visit.
"I forgot you were coming, well actually I'm surprised your parents allowed you to come still"
"Yeah I'm surprised about that too" she said then added "but then again I'm very charming"
"Yeah charming, that's just your way of saying your a Svengali" I said for I knew of her powerful persuasion powers. Maybe she was the miracle I needed to pull Ziva out of her depression.
"Once we heard about the explosion my parents were very sceptical about letting me come, but I managed to convince them that you would need me the most now."
"My band didn't want me to come either." she added
"BAND?!?" I practically choked it out
"Yes my band. Me, my boyfriend and 2 of our other friends from school. I'm the lead singer and play the guitar. I brought it with me- see?" she held up a bright pink guitar.
"Listen Casey you know what you said earlier- about me needing you the most now? Well I do."
"YOU DO?!?! because I just said that so my parents would let me come." she was practically jumping with joy now and I couldn't help thinking wait until you meet Abby.
"Yes I do. One of my agents- Anthony DiNozzo is in a coma and his girlfriend- another one of my agents---"
"The Ninja girl?" she interrupted
"Yes it is Ziva- now let me finish" I said for it look like she was going to interrupt again.
"She is very upset about the whole thing" major understatement I thought
"Well maybe you could cheer her up some?" Okay I know it sounded corny, but hey it may work.
"okay" she sighed
"You sound disappointed" I said
"yeah I was rather hoping I get to be a bodyguard to someone. I know 27 ways to kill a person with my bare hands."
"WHAT?!?!" I screamed "HOW?"
"Oh it's easy if you know human anatomy" she said
"Okay let me show you the way to Tony's room" I said. I must remember to take a human anatomy class the next chance I have.
Okay so my life was practically ruined. The love of my life was in a coma, and very little chance of him ever coming out of it. So I might as well just die now, my life was over. I was wallowing in my self- pity when a voice said
"Um Hi I'm Casey Gibbs and my uncle told me to come and see you."
Gibbs' niece. I forgot he said she was coming to visit.
"Your probably surprised I'm here. I am too. she said I figured after the bomb my parents wouldn't let me come, but apparently I'm very charming"
Just a nicer way of saying you're a Svengali.
"So you work for the Mossad? I want to go to Israel someday. You know I know 27 different ways to kill a man with my bare hands. It's actually quite easy if you know human anatomy."
Oh wow she knows anatomy- I'm impressed.
"You can remain silent, but I'm not going anywhere. Who did you want to win the election? I was so so so for McCain- my whole family including Gibbs was too. Oh wait what am I thinking you were probably for McCain too, Being from Israel and the Mossad and all. It sucks that Obama got elected doesn't it? This country is doomed."
Wow for McCain too. We share something in common at least.
"You know what helps me when I feel down? music. I play the guitar and am the lead singer in a band. They were pretty mad when I left for DC. Here I'll play something for you." She picked up here guitar and started to play and sing.
"The broken clock is a comfort, it helps me sleep tonight
Maybe it can stop tomorrow from stealing all my time
I am here still waiting though I still have my doubts
I am damaged at best, like you've already figured out"
How true I thought I am damaged at best.

"I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on
I'm barely holdin' on to you"

Wow how true I am falling apart and I'm barely holding on to the fact that Tony may get better.

"The broken locks were a warning you got inside my head
I tried my best to be guarded, I'm an open book instead
I still see your reflection inside of my eyes
That are looking for a purpose, they're still looking for life"

My god this girl knows how to pick a perfect song to sing.

"I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain is there is healing
In your name I find meaning
So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on
I'm barely holdin' on to you
I'm hangin' on another day
Just to see what you will throw my way
And I'm hangin' on to the words you say
You said that I will, will be ok
The broken lights on the freeway left me here alone
I may have lost my way now, having forgot my way home
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain is there is healing
In your name I find meaning
So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on
I'm barely holdin' on to you
So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on"
That song was perfect for the moment. It was amazing how well it fit.
"Well you clearly don't want me around, so I'll just go" she said and she was gone.
Ziva didn't want to admit it but the music HAD helped a little.
Wow upset. That was the largest understatement I have ever heard in my life, I thought as I walked back to the cafeteria where Gibbs said he'd be.
I jumped up as I saw Casey approaching.
"How'd it go?" I shouted out
"Not well at all. Let's just say UPSET was like the biggest understatement you have ever said. She is not just UPSET she is downright depressed. She didn't say a word the whole time."
Okay admittedly I was a little mad, since my plan hadn't worked at all. I would have to think of another way to pull Ziva out of her depression.