Saturday, October 18, 2008

SVU/ Twilight fan fic part 3

3. Introductions- told from the POV of Casey Novak

Wow! Words cannot describe how beautiful those nine are, but if you had to pick I guess heavnly would be close. There was one though i couldn't keep my eyes off. He had the most beautiful Reddish- bronze hair. He was probably the most stunning of the guys. The other 3 weren't beautiful like these nine, but there was something special about the other 3 too. I was yanked out of my thoughts as the one that appeared to be the oldest of the beautiful ones said "My name is Carlisle, and this is my family" Carlisle then did a sweeping motion with his arm to indicate what he meant.
"This is my wife esme" he said indicating to a woman with a kind face
" This is our oldest son, Jasper" Jasper had beautiful blonde hair.
" Our oldest daughter Rosalie" Rosalie was probably the most stunning, with her masses of blond hair.
" Our second oldest son Emmett" Emmett was huge! Not like fat huge, but like tons of muscles huge.
"Our second oldest daughter Bella" Bella had jet black hair and GOLDEN eyes and she wasn't the only one, because I just realized they all had golden eyes!!!!!
"Our youngest son Edward" After getting over my shock about the golden eyes i realized Edward was the one with reddish-bronze hair.
" Our youngest daughter Alice" Alice had short, pixie like hair.
" My niece Renesme" Renesme was the youngest with beautiful curly brown hair.
"That is my family" Carlisle finished " Over there are some family friends Jacob Black" Jacob was the largest one of the other 3.
"Leah Clearwater and Seth Clearwater", he finished
"Nice to meet you all" Cragen said "You obviosly know me. I'm Captain Donald Cragen of the Manhattan SVU"
"These are detectives Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson, Fin Tutuloa, John Munch and Chester Lake."
"This is Dr. George Huang. He is a pychiatrist that works with the FBI, but assists us on most of our cases"
"This is our ADA Casey Novak" He said pointing towards me. I waved.
" and over here we have are ME Melinda Warner" Cragen finished
"now that we all know each other better let's here this tip" Fin grumbled
" okay, but be warned that once you hear this you'll think we'll need to be institutionalized" Carlisle warned

To Be Continued..............