Monday, January 5, 2009

Getting to Know the Truth Part 4

Okay sorry its taken so long to write I just haven't been in the mood to lately. New caracters are going to be introduced in this part.

"SNOWDAY!!!!" rang through the squadroom of the NCIS building.

"Jasper, must you be so loud?" A boy whispered to the shouter.

"Why yes little bro, I must. You see I am very excited." Jasper said back.

Despite Jasper calling him brother, there was no resembelence between the two boys. Jasper, who was two years older had flaming red hair and blue eyes. The younger boy had dark hair and dark eyes that were a striking contrast to his brothers'. In fact they weren't brothers, well not by blood anyways.

"Jasper, Jasper isn't it great?!" a small figure ran up to him.

"Yes, Sarah, it is wonderful." he said in reply.

"Want to come down to the lab with me?" she asked him.

"Ummm sure I guess." Jasper replied very reluctantly for Sarah drove him crazy, and she always seemed intent on talking to him.

"Hey, Ari." She said to the second boy as they walked away.

Ari just stood there staring after her, he loved Sarah, he just knew she would never ever love him too.

He glanced around the room no one seemed to be there. He wondered where Gibbs and McGee were. Making sure no one was there to see him he walked over and sat down at Tony's old desk, his fathers old desk. It looked the same as 15 years ago when the building they were investigating exploded. For not the first time he wondered why Gibbs never cleared away Tony and Ziva's desks and got two other people to take their place. Ever since they had died Gibbs and McGee had been working the cases alone, well with the help of Ducky, Palmer, and Abby.

There it was the photo he was looking for- still on the desk. It was his parent's wedding photo. He stared at it and sighed. The only thing he knew about his parents was that they died in an explosion and they asked Gibbs and Director Shepard to raise him and for the millionth time he wished he knew more.

Not that life with the Gibbses was bad. They had two other children both older than Ari. Jasper who was 16 and Shannon who was 19 and in her first year of college.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Pond.

“What can you ever really know of other people's souls - of their temptations, their opportunities, their struggles? One soul in the whole creation you do know: and it is the only one whose fate is placed in your hands”~ CS Lewis

She stopped. After traveling for over an hour she just stopped. Normally she may have wondered why, but now nothing mattered. Since he died nothing mattered anymore. She glanced around, she was in a clearing deep in the forest surrounded by trees. There was a pond in middle. For some reason it made her want to weep even more, if that was at all possible. The whole place creeped her out and she just wanted to leave, but she couldn't. She was drawn to the place like a magnet is drawn to metal. The pond, the pond she must get closer. She walked up to it, but no that wasn't enough. She must get in it. She walked into the pond, her white dress billowing around her as she went. She got to the middle. Surprisingly the water was just up to her waist, it had looked much deeper. She just stood there and wept bitterly for her lost lover.

"You should leave. It will be dark soon." the voice startled her. She turned around. Before her stood an intensley beautiful man, with skin so pale it appeared to glow.

"No, I think I will stay" she said

"No, you must leave. It is almost dark. You do not want to be here when it gets dark." There was a new tone of urgency in his voice.

"Okay" she said and followed the shining one on out of the clearing. Right when she walked out of the clearing, it felt as if her heart was being ripped in two. Seeing her pain the shining one said

"You must stay away from the clearing at all costs." Then he was gone.

Ziva had waken with the pain. She wasn't sure where the last line had come from for she wasn't asleep anymore, but yet no one had said a thing. " You must stay away from the clearing at all costs" The voice so horrible, yet so beautiful at the same time still rung like a bell that had just chimed noon in her head. She knew what the dream must mean, as much as she hated to think about there was only one meaning- he was dead.

Gibbs walked in the room. She stared at him. Blue eyes meeting dark ones. She didn't have to speak, he knew what she was asking, just by looking at her eyes. Beautiful dark eyes, that screamed out in pain asking if that if by some miracle the inevitable hadn't happened and somehow he was still alive. She could see it in his normally shining blue eyes, eyes that were now dull with the pain of losing a team member, of losing a friend. Eyes that now said "I'm sorry".

She broke down and started sobbing. He walked over and held her head in his arms as she sobbed, when she looked up he saw something else in her eyes, not sorrow or agony, but desire.

"no" he said, it was but a whisper though.

She stared at him more intently.

"Ziva," he whispered, a tone of urgency in his voice, "whatever you do don't go to the clearing." he walked off, letting her be alone with her grief.

Only one question rang through her mind, How did Gibbs know? She didn't care about his warning at all. She felt as if she must go to the clearing, as if there is something important there. Something she had to see. She knew Gibbs would practically kill her if he knew she went, but right at the moment it sounded like a good fate.


That night she dreamt- again.

She was at the clearing again this time she didn't falter she just kept walking on.

"What did I tell you about coming here?" the voice rang clear across the clearing.

She spun around to face the same strangely beautiful man as before.

"Why should I leave?" she retorted back.

"because this place is horrible, you should go before you fall captive to its power."

"but I....I can sense him here"

"See that is the great and terrible beauty of the place, one can sense their lost lovers here, but it is that in which drives them to insanity. For they can never truly understand that they will never see them again. Eventually this place will eat your soul up here and you will be doomed to spend an eternity here."

Friday, December 19, 2008

2 new Tiva Backgrounds

I've had these made for awhile. I thought it was time I posted them.
~ Vampiress

NCIS season 6 episodes 99 cents on Itunes

I just found that out. For a limited time only season 6 episodes of NCIS on sale for 99 cents.

Coldplay Icon Background

okay I was bored. Otherwise why would I make a background of 100 coldplay icons? It's too big to use on Youtube, but it works nice in photobucket and probably other sites as well.