Sunday, December 7, 2008

NCIS Fan Fiction Part 10~ "You BURNED my HOUSE down?!?!"

Okay here is part 10. It is still Ziva's point of view. Jibbs.

It was after the funeral, we were all waiting in our temporary office for Jenny to arrive. We were all sitting in either chairs or on tables. Well almost everyone. Casey was pacing around the room and jumping a little too. I really wasn't sure why either. Thankfully I didn't have much time to dwell upon it because just then Jenny walked in and said "We'll it's official. I'm Director of NCIS again. Sure they were a little confused since they all thought I was dead, but they needed a Director so badly they didn't object me being Director again too badly."

"For some reason I don't believe that is all you wanted to tell us." Gibbs said.

"It's not. I'm getting to THAT part." She said "So I would like you to shut up now Jethro" she walked over and placed her hand over his mouth.

"Oh come on" he started to say.

"Shhhh" she said and walked over and placed her finger on his mouth again.

"Now when I start, I don't want to be interrupted. Casey you might want to assist me."

She leaped up from where she was sitting, for she had taken a seat when Jenny arrived.

"First of all, you might be wondering how I survived when I was very much dead. Casey do you want to explain this part? Okay?"

"Well, long, long ago magic and such roamed rampant around the earth, mainly there were elves, vampires, werewolves, charter mages, and the abhorsen. They were all very different in their magic and ways. I won't explain now, because of time, but if you want to know anything about them come to me later. There were all these different beings, but there were also humans, and as the human population grew they got tired of all the magic that was around. So they enlisted 100 of the most skilled workers and brightest minds they had, and gave them a task. Their task was to build a barrier, a barrier that would keep the magic down, for 20 years they labored on this barrier, putting anchors for it in all major cities, the barrier completely eliminated charter magic and free magic. The elves just became mere humans.The vampires and werewolves though, their power just became weaker, I think that is because they were so close to being human already. Over the years, the barrier weakened, so either the strongest of the Old races as they are now known, or in the most remote areas magic could be worked. I think that leaves us where Jenny wants us to be now."

"Yes, it does. Thank you Casey. Okay we we're at the magic returning, we'll as the magic returned so did the powers of one certain royal family. The Elvish royal family. You're looking at one of the descendants right now. Currently I'm the the Queen of Elves. So when I was injured, making it look as inconspicuous as possible, some of the other strongest elves came and got me and worked their healing magic on me. I was living with them until I heard about the explosion and where it was for that was where an anchor was. So I left and came here. Now on to DiNozzo, he was about to die and even though from the moment I knew my birthright, I had promised never to use the magic, well I already had once, but I'm not going to talk about that now. So I decided to use it again and save DiNozzo. That is the whole story. We might want to get some swords though, we'll need to go to my house though, I have an armory there."
"Um Jenny I hate to tell you this, but I burnt your house down." said Gibbs very quietly
"You BURNED my HOUSE down!!!!" she exclaimed "Well the armory was underground so perhaps it is still there. Goodbye" Then just like that she turned and marched out of here. I, like everyone else I'm sure, had more questions than answers.